Your Step by Step Guide to a
Life-Changing, Lucrative Workshop,
Retreat & Seminar Business

By Callan January 1, 2020
Have you ever been on-stage, in front of an audience… and you forgot what you were saying? Ugh… the dreaded nightmare of this profession! You know what I’m talking about… you go blank, then stare at the floor or up at the ceiling, trying desperately to remember what to say next. Of course, in that... The post Connection Is Key! appeared first on Lucrative Luminary.
By Callan December 30, 2019
Today’s tip has to do with the inevitable experience of having a “Heckler” in your audience. I have a very counter-intuitive way to ‘Handle the Heckler’… One of the things that I love to do if someone is calling out from the audience is actually get them a microphone. Generally speaking these people just... The post Handle The Heckler! appeared first on Lucrative Luminary.
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